Ini merupakan kumpulan driver untuk operating system XP dan Vista, semua ada disini dan silahkan unduh sampei elek mas,....xixixixii
Senin, 31 Januari 2011
Minggu, 30 Januari 2011
Menambah gadget sidebar Windows 7 ke windows XP
Buat anda pengguna windows XP, mungkin ingin menambahkan salah satu fitur dari Windows 7. salah satu fitur yang bisa anda tambahkan ke layar komputer (desktop) adalah sidebar gadget, seperti pada gambar di bawah ini.
Anda bisa menghias layar desktop komputer dengan memasang sidebar Windows 7, kemudian mengisinya dengan gadget yang telah tersedia di panel gadget sidebar tersebut. Aplikasi ini berjalan dengan normal di komputer yang telah teriinstal Windows XP.
Anda bisa menghias layar desktop komputer dengan memasang sidebar Windows 7, kemudian mengisinya dengan gadget yang telah tersedia di panel gadget sidebar tersebut. Aplikasi ini berjalan dengan normal di komputer yang telah teriinstal Windows XP.
Aplikasi ini tidak terlalu menguras resource komputer anda jika dibandingkan dengan menginstal themes vista inspirate. Untuk mengatur gadget yang akan ditambahkan ke sidebar, cukup dengan menekan tombol plus (+) di sebelah kanan atas sidebar. beberapa gadget yang bisa anda tambahkan adalah jam analog, jam digital, kalender, folder, dan beberapa gadget lainnya.
Jika anda ingin menginstal aplikasi Thoosje's Windows 7 sidebar 1.0 di komputer, bisa download di situs resminya. Ukuran filenya sekitar 6 MB.
Silahkan klik disini untuk mendownload Windows 7 sidebar
Silahkan klik disini untuk mendownload Windows 7 sidebar
Jumat, 21 Januari 2011
Trik dan Cara Mengoptimalisasi Kinerja Download Internet Download Manager (IDM)
Mendownload sudah merupakan aktivitas sehari-hari para web surfer, baik itu mendownload lagu, video, film, software dan lain-lainnya. Proses mengdownload memang terbantu oleh IDM (internet download manager), namun pernahkah anda merasa performa download IDM kurang memuaskan anda??? Tips dan Trik kali ini akan mengajarkan anda untuk memaksimalkan performa download IDM dengan mudah dan aman!
Berikut Cara-Caranya:
1. Masuk ke pilihan berikut: “Downloads => Options”
2. Kemudian anda akan melihat options seperti berikut:
2. Kemudian anda akan melihat options seperti berikut:
3. Kemudian ke option tab “connections”
4. Pilih menu tab Connection, lalu pilih LAN 10Mbs pada pilihan Connection Type/Speed
5. Pada pilihan Max. connections number, pilih default max. conn. number menjadi 16
4. Pilih menu tab Connection, lalu pilih LAN 10Mbs pada pilihan Connection Type/Speed
5. Pada pilihan Max. connections number, pilih default max. conn. number menjadi 16
tips N triks
Windows 7 New 9MB Edition RVHot Style.–OS 7 Terbaru Hanya 9 MB
Apa kabar sobat EndigoLover semua??? Yap, sesuai dengan judul diatas, hari ini EndigoLabs akan membagi sedikit koleksian OS (Operating System) hasil modifikasi dan hanya mempunyai jumlah space sebesar 9MB dengan tampilan yang lebih elegan, stylish dan memukau siapa saja yang melihatnya. Penasaran, nih cek aja sob.
Bagaimana sob??? Baguskan, tampilannya ngak kayak windows 7 pada umumnya, lebih cerah nan indah bukan??? Cukup berbekal ram 1 GB anda sudah bisa menginstal OS Win7 RF yang satu ini.
Cara Installnya juga gampang: 1. Download File setupnya di download link di bawah ini
2. Ekstrak filenya
3. Jalankan Setupnya
4. Instal sesuai dengan petunjuknya
5. Mudahkan???
2. Ekstrak filenya
3. Jalankan Setupnya
4. Instal sesuai dengan petunjuknya
5. Mudahkan???
Kamis, 20 Januari 2011
Windows XP Angel Live 2.0 SP3 AutoActivate
Operating system XP Modif yang tampilannya cukup keren untuk dikoleksi! Namanya Windows XP ANGEL LIVE 2.0 SP3, menurut sang modifikator, XP ini sudah AutoActive alias tidak perlu menggunakan serial apapun untuk mengaktifkan XP Modif SP3 ini!
Selain itu, didalam OS Modif ini sudah tersedia software-software tambahan yang bisa anda pilih untuk penginstallan + beberapa software integerasi yang akan mendukung interface desktop anda!
Download [PART1] Windows XP Angel Live 2.0 SP3 AutoActivate [PART2] Windows XP Angel Live 2.0 SP3 AutoActivate
[PART3] Windows XP Angel Live 2.0 SP3 AutoActivate
[PART4] Windows XP Angel Live 2.0 SP3 AutoActivate
[PART5] Windows XP Angel Live 2.0 SP3 AutoActivate
[PART6] Windows XP Angel Live 2.0 SP3 AutoActivate
[PART7] Windows XP Angel Live 2.0 SP3 AutoActivate
Selain itu, didalam OS Modif ini sudah tersedia software-software tambahan yang bisa anda pilih untuk penginstallan + beberapa software integerasi yang akan mendukung interface desktop anda!
Download [PART1] Windows XP Angel Live 2.0 SP3 AutoActivate [PART2] Windows XP Angel Live 2.0 SP3 AutoActivate
[PART3] Windows XP Angel Live 2.0 SP3 AutoActivate
[PART4] Windows XP Angel Live 2.0 SP3 AutoActivate
[PART5] Windows XP Angel Live 2.0 SP3 AutoActivate
[PART6] Windows XP Angel Live 2.0 SP3 AutoActivate
[PART7] Windows XP Angel Live 2.0 SP3 AutoActivate
Membuat CD Installer Windows XP Otomatis
Aduh judulnya membingungkan nih, tapi semoga setelah membaca isinya gak tambah bingung.
Ok, sesuai dengan judul di atas kali ini kita akan mencoba membuat CD Installer Windows XP yang sudah di bongkar-pasang sehingga nantinya kita tidak repot lagi memasukkan serial number, setting waktu, network, dll. CD installer ini sangat berguna buat teman-teman yang sering menginstallkan sistem operasi khususnya Windows XP.
Terus terang, saya sangat terbantu sekali, dengan adanya CD installer yang sudah terupdate + diotak-atik ini, kerjaan saya menjadi sedikit lebih terbantu. Lumayan lah, sambil install PC/Laptop kita bisa ngerjain sesuatu di PC/Laptop lainnya apalagi kalo pas banyak klien.
Oiya, kalo gak salah, saya sudah pernah posting tentang membuat Windows XP Terupdate ini postingannya Jadi alangkah baiknya sebelum masuk ketahap ini Anda sudah membaca artikel saya tersebut. Jadi, kalo Anda sudah paham dengan artikel sebelumnya, untuk tutorial ini menjadi lebih mudah. Selain itu juga hasilnya akan lebih maknyus, karena selain otomatis, Windows XP yang Anda bikin juga paling update. Kan keren tuh
Di sini saya anggap anda sudah punya aplikasi inlite, windows XP SP3 Original dan update-nya (sesuai dengan postingan sebelumnya), serta Anda sudah bisa untuk membuatnya sesuai dengan postingan saya sebelumnya di sini.
Adapun dalam contoh ini adalah
Ok, sesuai dengan judul di atas kali ini kita akan mencoba membuat CD Installer Windows XP yang sudah di bongkar-pasang sehingga nantinya kita tidak repot lagi memasukkan serial number, setting waktu, network, dll. CD installer ini sangat berguna buat teman-teman yang sering menginstallkan sistem operasi khususnya Windows XP.
Terus terang, saya sangat terbantu sekali, dengan adanya CD installer yang sudah terupdate + diotak-atik ini, kerjaan saya menjadi sedikit lebih terbantu. Lumayan lah, sambil install PC/Laptop kita bisa ngerjain sesuatu di PC/Laptop lainnya apalagi kalo pas banyak klien.
Oiya, kalo gak salah, saya sudah pernah posting tentang membuat Windows XP Terupdate ini postingannya Jadi alangkah baiknya sebelum masuk ketahap ini Anda sudah membaca artikel saya tersebut. Jadi, kalo Anda sudah paham dengan artikel sebelumnya, untuk tutorial ini menjadi lebih mudah. Selain itu juga hasilnya akan lebih maknyus, karena selain otomatis, Windows XP yang Anda bikin juga paling update. Kan keren tuh
Di sini saya anggap anda sudah punya aplikasi inlite, windows XP SP3 Original dan update-nya (sesuai dengan postingan sebelumnya), serta Anda sudah bisa untuk membuatnya sesuai dengan postingan saya sebelumnya di sini.
Adapun dalam contoh ini adalah
- Saya tidak menggunakan driver SATA seperti pada postingan saya sebelumnya.
- Driver tidak saya otak-atik, saya biarkan tidak tidak dirubah, biar nanti saya install manual saja.
- Menggunakan update terbaru
- IE 8 juga saya integrasikan langsung
- Windows Media Player 11 juga saya update
- WGAN juga saya update
- Instalasi berjalan otomatis, kecuali tahap awal dan pemartisian.
- Siapkan semua bahan-bahan yang diperlukan
- Install Aplikasi nlite bisa ada baca di sini
- Install juga aplikasi WMP11 Slipstreamer
- Jangan lupa update-an terbaru Windows XP udah terpersiapkan
- Masukkan CD installer Windows XP Sp3 original (alias belum diapa-apain) kedalam CD/DVD-ROM dan copy-paste semua yang ada di dalam CD tersebut ke sebuah folder di hardisk Anda.
- Kalo seandainya Anda tidak mempunyai CD installer-nya tapi mempunyai file iso-nya saja, maka anda dapat melakukannya dengan menggunakan daemon tools, silahkan add image ke dalam virtual drive. Kemudian lakukan seperti langkah 1.
- Buka aplikasi inlite-nya, kemudian pada tahap seperti di bawah, silahkan anda cari folder tempat anda mencopy-paste installer windows XP tadi seperti pada tahap pertama.
- Pada posisi ini silahkan anda next saja
- Task selection, silahkan pilih apa saja yang diperlukan dalam pengerjaan ini, berhubung kita pengen supaya Windows menjadi Update, otomatis, dan hasil akhir berupa installer yang siap burning (file dalam bentuk .iso) maka pilih lah sesuai gambar di bawah
- Jika Anda sudah berada dalam posisi di bawah, silahkan tekan tombol insert dan cari update-an Windows, IE8, dan WMP11 yang ingin diintegrasikan tadi. Setelah selesai silahkan tekan next
- Oke sekarang kita masuk dalam tahap unattended, dimana pada posisi inilah kita bisa membuat installer menjadi otomatis.
Pada tab general, silahkan isi sesuai gambar berikut
PS: Kalo yang anda gunakan windows XP SP3 ori silahkan pakai serial number berikut H689T-BFM2F-R6GF8-9WPYM-B6378
Sekarang silahkan beralih ke tab user, silahkan isi seperti gambar di bawah (pengisian tidak mutlak, dapat diubah sesuai selera)
Tab Owner and Network ID
Tab Regional, ubah time zone-nya saja, berhubung di tempat saya +8 maka saya sesuaikan saja.
Automatic Updates, saya disable kan, tergantung selera. Jika sudah selesai tinggal tekan next
Oke, saya cukup mengkonfigurasinya sampai sini, jika anda pengen lebih lagi, silahkan dioprek sendiri. - Do you want to start the process? Tekan Yes dan tinggal tunggu sampai proses ini selesai
- Jika anda proses pengintegrasian selesai, maka silahkan tekan Next
- Oke pada posisi ini Anda jangan langsung menekan Next, tapi tekan saja tombol make iso, dan silahkan ubah label-nya menjadi GRTMPVOL_EN, sesuai gambar berikut
- Setelah ditekan tombol make iso tadi, silahkan simpan installer anda, namanya disesuaikan, misalnya simpan dengan nama, Win XP SP3 Auto Dec 2010
- Tunggu sampai proses selesai, terakhir tekan next, dan finish
- Selesai, Windows XP SP3 Update + Automatic sudah selesai di bikin
Membuat Installer Windows XP Paling Update
Manthab kan judulnya... Bikin installer windows paling update. Maksudnya gimana ya... Hmmm pernah dengar Windows XP Pro SP3 Agustus Ed.? Dan edisi-edisi lainnya? Naahh intinya kita mau bikin windows semacam ntuh.
Buat apa? Yaa terserah, mau dibuat jual lagi atau mau dibuat gaya-gaya an punya koleksi windows sejibun dengan edisi-edisi bulan, atau lainnya.
Oke langsung ke tutorial cara buatnya...
Oke deh, semoga tutorial ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua...
Eitttsss, ane kelupaan dokumentasinya, wkwkwkwkw Ini ane urutkan gambarnya, bisa diliat di bawah dari awal sampe habis.
Buat apa? Yaa terserah, mau dibuat jual lagi atau mau dibuat gaya-gaya an punya koleksi windows sejibun dengan edisi-edisi bulan, atau lainnya.
Oke langsung ke tutorial cara buatnya...
- CD Instalansi Windows yang masih original, maksudnya siapa tau ada temen atau saudara yang pernah beli windows asli. Original yang saya maksud adalah original yang bener-bener belum diapa-apain. Belum ditambahin ini lah, itulah dan lain sebagainya.
Bagaimana klo gak punya?
Amat sangat terpaksa sampeyan mesti download dulu, hehehehe
Silahken download dengan link di bawah ini:
Jangan lupa daftar dolo biar kenceng downloadnya, silahken daftar di sini, gratis kok, pada bagian paypal kosongin aja.
- Download software buat utak-atik windows-nya:
Setelah di download, diinstall ya, jangan di diemin...
- Siapkan update-update windows-nya dan software-software yang ingin di intergrasikan ke dalam installer windows.
Update Win XP SP3
Silahken download di situs XCABLE, biasanya update perbulan ini link download-nya :
Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications
Download juga dari XCABLE
Tambahan-tambahan software yang ingin diintegrasikan:
NB: Sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan ya...
Terserah mau ditambahin atau gak:
Update Windows Media Player 11
Software tambahan:
NB: Software tambahan ini diinstall terlebih dahulu sebelum pake nlite.
- Biar enak tanpa nge-burn windows asli bin original bin perawan yang udah di download gunakan aja software virtual driver semacam daemon tools. Pake yang versi gratisan (DAEMON Tools Lite) aja bagus kok, gak masalah, ini link downloadnya
- Selesai untuk tahap persiapan.
- Setelah semua udah tersedia, install yang memang perlu di install, nlite, Windows Media Player 11 Slipstreamer, terus daemon tools (ntar pas instalasi, kalo ditanya pilih yang versi free ya). Apalagi ya??? Oiya file-file update yang di download, itu jangan diekstrak, biarkan apa adanya aja.
- Copy-paste semua file windows xp original tadi ke hardisk kamu. Nah disini maksud saya tadi kita perlu software daemon tools. Jadi gak perlu nge-burning ke CD buat copy-paste file-file yang ada dalam installer windows tadi. Cukup sampeyan mount images, terus nanti muncul CD installer-nya di My Computer, yaa udah copy paste aja semuanya.
Ada sih cara lainnya, kita gak perlu copas sendiri, biar software NLite ini yang ngopas-kannya, kita cukup meng-mount kan images windows original tadi aja. (Saya pakai cara ini) - Sekarang buka software NLite yang sudah diinstall tadi.
- Pilih next
- Nah pada bagian kedua ini, sampeyan cari folder tempat file-file windows di copy-paste, kalo sampeyan pake cara kedua seperti yang saya sebutkan sebelumnya. Sampeyan cukup mencari meng-klik drive tempat file image windows di mount (misalnya drive I). Nanti akan muncul keterangan dimana mau ditempatkan file-file windows tadi, silahken browse, kalo contoh saya, file windows tersebut saya letakkan di drive E dengan nama folder WINCOPI. Nanti otomatis si NLite akan mengkopi kan-nya, jadi tunggu aja bentar sampe keterang-keterangan di bawahnya keluar.
- Kalo sudah tekan Next.
- Nahhh disini sampeyan akan memilih, apa-apa aja yang mau di utak-atik, ada fungsi untuk meng-integrate (seperti menambahkan service pack, addons, driver), fungsi remove, Setup, dan create.
Dalam kasus saya ini, saya ingin menambahkan updates windows sampe bulan agustus 2010, terus menambahkan driver SATA untuk laptop Acer 4530 saya, terus mau nambahin win media player 11, terus juga nambahin internet explorer 8.
Nah, oleh karena itu saya tekan bagian hotfixes, addons, and update packs. Kemudian tombol drivers juga saya tekan tombolnya, lalu tak lupa pada bagian unattended, serta terakhir pada bagian bootable ISO. (pastikan kalo memilih tombolnya indikator lampu warna merah di sebelah kiri berubah jadi hijau, seperti gambar di bawah ntar).
Apa sih pada bagian unattended ntuh? Itu biar kita bisa setting windows kita gak perlu minta serial number, nama, dll, pokoknya supaya pas instalansi gak minta macem-macem. Hehehehehe
- Kalo sudah tekan next lagi, nah silahken masukkan update-update tadi beserta software-software yang ingin di integrasikan. Kalo sudah tekan next lagi
- Kalo sampeyan menekan tombol driver (pas pilihan pertama tadi) maka akan silahken masukkan driver tambahannya (disini saya memasukkan driver SATA AHCI buat laptop acer 4530 saya. Kalo sudah tekan next lagi. Ntar ada tulisan Mau Di Proses? (di Indonesiakan secara ngarang ) maka pilih YES
- Tunggu bentar, ntu lagi proses....
- Klo udah pilih next lagi, naah di sini kita bikin bootable ISO-nya. Pada bagian label, isi dengan GRTMPVOL_EN, boleh sih di isi dengan yang laen, tapi saya gak pernah coba, hehehehe Terus tekan tombol make iso (ingat pilih ini jangan pilih Next, kalo bingung silahken liat gambar di bawah)
- Tunggu sampe proses selesai
- Kalo sudah baru tekan next.
- Yupsss... Windows Terupdate Anda sudah selesai....
Oke deh, semoga tutorial ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua...
Eitttsss, ane kelupaan dokumentasinya, wkwkwkwkw Ini ane urutkan gambarnya, bisa diliat di bawah dari awal sampe habis.
Senin, 17 Januari 2011
Mengubah Windows XP Bajakan Menjadi Genuine
Dulu... Saya pernah posting, tentang cara menghilangkan Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA), yang suangat menganggu di postingan Nah klo ndak salah di situ saya lupa kasih tau caranya biar windows bajakan tersebut biasa genuine lagi. Hehehehehe
Berhubung.... Akhirnya serial number yang dulu sebenernya udah tokcer ---update apa aja jalan terus--- akhirnya kena blokir juga. Yaa udah terpaksa ane cari serial number baru yang kira-kira tokcer sampai nanti* (*Maksudnya sampai Om Jendela ngeblokirnya lage)
Oke, sekarang adalah caranya, nanti klo ketahuan kena blokir ane update lagi. Wkwkwkwkw
Berhubung.... Akhirnya serial number yang dulu sebenernya udah tokcer ---update apa aja jalan terus--- akhirnya kena blokir juga. Yaa udah terpaksa ane cari serial number baru yang kira-kira tokcer sampai nanti* (*Maksudnya sampai Om Jendela ngeblokirnya lage)
Oke, sekarang adalah caranya, nanti klo ketahuan kena blokir ane update lagi. Wkwkwkwkw
- Sampeyan harus punya software ini :
Download : ziddu
Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool
Download : Ziddu - Klo udah mari di ekstrak dolo ke dua software tersebut.
- Jalankan Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool, terus coba liat tulisannya apa?
- Klo ternyata berwarna merah, maka alangkah baiknya segera dibikin genuine dolo biar bisa update teroosss... Jangan lupa tutup dulu tool ini.
- Sekarang buka keyfinder, terus pilih tab Options----- Change Windows Key.
- Masukkan serial ini : H689T-BFM2F-R6GF8-9WPYM-B6378
- Change--- Close
- Buka lagi Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool tadi. Coba liat pasti berubah jadi warna Hijau bukan dan klo hijau tulisannya udah pasti genuine . Dan itu artinya silahken update Jendela Anda sepuasnya.
- Ndak percaya silahken main-main ke sini Jangan lupa validate windows Anda, ada tombol pilihannya di sebelah kiri.
- Rasakan bedanya....
tips N triks
Rabu, 05 Januari 2011
Anti Deepfreeze
Deepfreeze bagi pengguna komputer yang lebih percaya kepada daripada menggunakan Anti Virus. Biasanya warnet maupun rental komputer lebih sukai pakai ini. Tapi sekarang harus hati-hati sebab sudah ada software buat hack yaitu Anti Deepfreeze .
Kelebihan dari Deefreeze diantaranya :
1. Lebih aman dari kerusakan software maupun serangan virus
2. Tidak perlu update
3. Kinerja komputer relatif lebih ringan dibandingkan anti virus
Selasa, 04 Januari 2011
Theme untuk windows 7
Bagi saudara-saudaraku yang masih pakai Windows Xp tapi pengen pakai baju windows 7, monggo download link dibawah ini.
1. Theme Windows 7 buat Windows XP
Download a,
Download b,
Download c,
2. Theme Windows 7
Ferrari theme
Dark theme
Light theme
Twilight theme
Ultimate Windows 7 theme pack
Mixed Windows 7 Theme ada beberapa macam theme
Hiren's BootCD
Sebagai seorang tehnisi komputer, Hiren's BootCD merupakan senjata sakti untuk mengatasi urusan komputer pelanggan. Dalam 1 CD berisi puluhan tools Yang paling saya suka dari cd ini, diantaranya:
Berikut ini merukan kumpulan puluhan tool dari Hiren's BootCd untuk memperbaiki komputer yang bermasalah.
Antivirus Tools
ComboFix (0404) - Designed to cleanup malware infections and restore settings modified by malware (Windows Freeware)
CWShredder 2.19 - Popular CoolWebSearch Trojan Remover tool (Windows Freeware)
Dr.Web CureIt! Antivirus (0404) - a free standalone anti-virus and anti-spyware on-demand scanner (Windows Freeware)
GMER 1.0.15 - Hidden services, hidden registry, hidden file scanner, Rootkit Detector and Remover (Windows Freeware)
Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.45 (0404) - anti-malware application that can thoroughly remove even the most advanced malware. (Windows Freeware)
RootkitRevealer 1.7.1 - Rootkit Revealer is an advanced patent-pending root kit detection utility. (Windows Freeware)
SmitFraudFix 2.424 - This removes Some of the popular Desktop Hijack malware (Windows Freeware)
Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.6.2 (0404) - Application to scan for spyware, adware, hijackers and other malicious software. (Windows Freeware)
SpywareBlaster 4.2 (0404) - Prevent the installation of spyware and other potentially unwanted software. (Windows Freeware)
SuperAntispyware 4.35.1002 (0404) - Remove Malware, Rootkits, Spyware, Adware, Worms, Parasites (a must have tool) (Windows Freeware)
Backup Tools
COPYR.DMA Build013 - A Tool for making copies of hard disks with bad sectors (Dos Freeware)
Double Driver 3.0 - Driver Backup and Restore tool (Windows Freeware)
DriverBackup! 1.0.3 - Another handy tool to backup drivers (Windows Freeware)
DriveImageXML 2.13 - backup any drive/partition to an image file, even if the drive is currently in use (Windows Freeware)
FastCopy 1.99r4 - The Fastest Copy/Delete Software on Windows (Windows Freeware)
GImageX 2.0.17 - ImageX is used to backup/restore WIM images for Windows XP/Vista and Windows 7 (Windows Freeware)
InfraRecorder 0.50 - An Open source CD/DVD burning software, also create/burn .iso images (Windows Freeware)
Partition Saving 3.80 - A tool to backup/restore partitions. (SavePart.exe) (Windows/Dos Freeware)
RegBak 1.0 - a light-weight and simple utility to create backups of Windows registry files (Windows Freeware)
Smart Driver Backup 2.12 - Easy backup of your Windows device drivers (also works from PE) (Windows Freeware)
WhitSoft File Splitter 4.5a - a Small File Split-Join Tool (Windows Freeware)
Acronis True Image 8.1.945 - Create an exact disk image for complete system backup and disk cloning. (Dos Commercial)
Drive SnapShot 1.39 - creates an exact Disk Image of your system into a file while windows is running. (Windows/Dos Commercial)
ImageCenter 5.6 (Drive Image 2002) - Best software to clone hard drive (Dos Commercial)
Norton Ghost 11.5.1 - Similar to Drive Image (with Image Explorer and usb/scsi support) (Windows/Dos Commercial)
Award DMI Configuration Utility 2.43 - DMI Configuration utility for modifying/viewing the MIDF contents. (Dos Freeware)
!BIOS 3.20 - a powerfull utility for bios and cmos (Dos Freeware)
BIOS Cracker 5.0 - BIOS password remover (cmospwd) (Dos Freeware)
BIOS Utility 1.35.0 - BIOS Informations, password, beep codes and more. (Dos Freeware)
CMOS 0.93 - CMOS Save / Restore Tool (Dos Freeware)
DISKMAN4 - a powerful all in one utility (Windows/Dos Freeware)
Kill CMOS - a tiny utility to wipe cmos (Dos Freeware)
UniFlash 1.40 - bios flash utility (Dos Freeware)
Browsers / File Managers
7-Zip 9.12b - File Manager/Archiver Supports 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2, TAR, RAR, CAB, ISO, ARJ, LZH, CHM, MSI, WIM, Z, CPIO, RPM, DEB and NSIS formats (Windows Freeware)
Explore2fs 1.08b - GUI explorer tool for accessing linux ext2 and ext3 filesystems under windows (Windows Freeware)
Opera Web Browser 8.54 - One of the fastest, smallest and smartest full-featured web browser (Windows Freeware)
Total Commander 7.50a - A file manager similar to the Windows Explorer features side-by-side file-browsing panes, built-in FTP, archive management, file search/compare/synchronize and more. (Windows Freeware)
Dos Command Center 5.1 - Classic dos-based file manager. (Dos Freeware)
Dos Navigator 6.4.0 - Dos File Manager, Norton Commander clone but has much more features. (Dos Freeware)
File Maven 3.5 - an advanced Dos file manager with high speed PC-to-PC file transfers via serial or parallel cable (Dos Freeware)
File Wizard 1.35 - a file manager - colored files, drag and drop copy, move, delete etc. (Dos Freeware)
FastLynx 2.0 - Dos file manager with Pc to Pc file transfer capability (Dos Freeware)
Volkov Commander 4.99 - Dos File Manager with LongFileName/ntfs support (Similar to Norton Commander) (Dos Freeware)
Mini Windows 98 - Can run from Ram Drive, with ntfs support, 7-Zip, Disk Defragmenter, Notepad / RichText Editor, Image Viewer, .avi .mpg .divx .xvid Movie Player, etc... (Windows/Dos Commercial)
Mini Windows Xp - Portable Windows Xp that runs from CD/USB/Ram Drive, with Network and SATA support (Windows/Dos Commercial)
CCleaner 2.30.1130 - Crap Cleaner is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool (Windows Freeware)
Data Shredder 1.0 - A tool to Erase disk and files (also wipe free space) securely (Windows Freeware)
SpaceMonger 1.4 - keeping track of the free space on your computer (Windows Freeware)
WinDirStat - a disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup tool for Windows. (Windows Freeware)
FileSystems Tools
AlternateStreamView 1.12 - View/Copy/Delete hidden NTFS Alternate Data Streams (Windows Freeware)
FileDisk Mount Tool 25 - to mount ISO/BIN/NRG/MDF/IMA images on windows. (Windows Freeware)
NewSID 4.10 - utility that changes the security ID (SID) for Windows NT, 2000 and XP (Windows Freeware)
NTFS Access 2.1 - Set NTFS permissions recursively and full access rights to a folder/file owner (Windows Freeware)
Virtual Floppy Drive 2.1 - enables you to create and mount a virtual floppy drive on your NT/2000/XP/Vista (Windows Freeware)
EditBINI 1.01 - to Edit boot.ini on NTFS Partition (Dos Freeware)
NTFS4Dos 1.9 - To access ntfs partitions from Dos (Dos Freeware)
NTFS Dos 3.02 - To access ntfs partitions from Dos (Dos Freeware)
NTFS Dos Pro 5.0 - To access ntfs partitions from Dos (Dos Commercial)
Paragon Mount Everything 3.0 - To access NTFS, Ext2FS, Ext3FS partitions from dos (Dos Commercial)
Hard Disk Tools
Active Kill Disk 4.1.2393 - Securely overwrites and destroys all data on physical drive. (Dos Freeware)
ExcelStor's ESTest 4.50 - ExcelStor hard disk diagnostic utility (Dos Freeware)
Fujitsu HDD Diagnostic Tool 7.00 - to check IDE drives for possible defects/problems (Dos Freeware)
Fujitsu IDE Low Level Format 1.0 - Low Level Format Tool (Dos Freeware)
Gateway GwScan 5.12 - Gateway hard drive diagnostic utility (Dos Freeware)
Hard Disk Sentinel 0.04 - Hard Disk health, performance and temperature monitoring tool. (Dos Freeware)
HDAT2 4.53 - main function is testing and repair (regenerates) bad sectors for detected devices (Dos Freeware)
HDD Erase 4.0 - Secure erase using a special feature built into most newer hard drives (Dos Freeware)
IBM Hitachi Drive Fitness Test 4.16 - quickly and reliably tests SCSI, IDE and SATA drives (Dos Freeware)
IBM Hitachi Feature Tool 2.15 - allows you to control some of the features of the the HDD (Dos Freeware)
Maxtor amset utility 4.0 - Utility for changing Acoustic Management on the hard drives (Dos Freeware)
Maxtor Low Level Formatter 1.1 - Maxtor's Low Level Format Utility works on any harddrive (Dos Freeware)
Maxtor PowerMax 4.23 - designed to perform diagnostic read/write verifications on Maxtor/Quantum hard drives (Dos Freeware)
MHDD 4.6 - Precise diagnostic of the mechanical part of a drive, perform Low-level format, Bad Sector Sepair, access raw sectors, manage S.M.A.R.T. (SMART) and other drive parameters such as acoustic management, security, Host Protected Area, etc. (Dos Freeware)
Samsung Disk Diagnose (SHDIAG) 1.28 - to diagnose the disk when suspected to have failures (Dos Freeware)
Samsung ESTOOL 3.00g - Drive Diagnostic, Automatic Acoustic Management, Enable/Disable SMART etc (Dos Freeware)
Samsung HDD Utility(HUTIL) 2.10 - The Drive Diagnostic Utility (Dos Freeware)
SeaTools for Dos - GUI 2.17 Text 1.10 versions to test Seagate or Maxtor Parallel ATA (PATA and IDE) and Serial ATA (SATA) interface disc drives (Dos Freeware)
SmartUDM 2.00 - Hard Disk Drive S.M.A.R.T. Viewer. (Dos Freeware)
Toshiba Hard Disk Diagnostic 2.00b - Toshiba hard drive diagnostic utility (Dos Freeware)
Victoria 3.33e and 3.52rus - a freeware program for low-level HDD diagnostics (Dos Freeware)
WDClear 1.30 - Restore/Erases the drive back to a factory condition (Dos Freeware)
Western Digital Data Lifeguard Tools 11.2 - for the installation of Western Digital EIDE Hard Drives (Dos Freeware)
Western Digital Diagnostics (DLGDIAG) 5.04f - to quickly and efficiently verify the status of the drive (Dos Freeware)
Darik's Boot and Nuke (DBAN) 1.0.7 - Completely deletes the contents of any hard disk it can detect (Linux Freeware)
HDD Regenerator 1.71 - to recover a bad hard drive (Dos Commercial)
MBR (Master Boot Record) Tools
BootSect 6.0.6 - Boot Sector Manipulation Tool, This tool replaces FixFAT.exe and FixNTFS.exe (Windows Freeware)
DiskMan 4.2 - all in one tool for cmos, bios, bootrecord and more (Windows/Dos Freeware)
Grub4Dos installer 1.1 - an universal boot loader GRUB for DOS installer (Windows Freeware)
MBRWizard 2.0b - Directly update and modify the MBR (Master Boot Record) (Windows/Dos Freeware)
MbrFix 1.3 - To backup, restore, fix the boot code in the MBR (Windows/Dos Freeware)
MBR Utility 1.05 - to manipulate a drive's master boot record (MBR) via the command line (Windows/Dos Freeware)
BootFix Utility - Run this utility if you get 'Invalid system disk' (Dos Freeware)
Boot Partition 2.60 - add Partition in the Windows NT/2000/XP Multi-boot loader (Dos Freeware)
MBRWork 1.08 - a utility to perform some common and uncommon MBR functions (Dos Freeware)
MBRTool 2.3.200 - backup, verify, restore, edit, refresh, remove, display, re-write... (Dos Freeware)
MBR SAVE / RESTORE 2.1 - BootSave and BootRest tools to save / restore MBR (Dos Freeware)
Smart Boot Manager 3.7.1 - a multi boot manager (Dos Freeware)
MultiMedia Tools
MpxPlay 1.56 - a small Music Player for dos (Dos Freeware)
Picture Viewer 1.94 - Picture viewer for dos, supports more then 40 filetypes. (Dos Freeware)
QuickView Pro 2.58 - movie viewer for dos, supports many format including divx. (Dos Freeware)
Ms Dos Tools
1394 Firewire Support - 1394 Firewire Drivers for Dos (Dos Freeware)
ASUSTeK USB Driver 3 - ASUS USB CD-ROM Device Driver Version 1.00 (Dos Freeware)
Dos tools - Collection of dos utilities extract.exe pkzip.exe pkunzip.exe lha.exe gzip.exe uharcd.exe imgExtrc.exe xcopy.exe fdisk.exe fdisk2.exe fdisk3.exe lf.exe delpart.exe deltree.exe find.exe hex.exe debug.exe split.exe mem.exe smartdrv.exe xmsdsk.exe killer.exe share.exe scandisk.exe scanreg.exe guest.exe doskey.exe duse.exe move.exe setver.exe intersvr.exe interlnk.exe loadlin.exe lfndos.exe (Dos Commercial)
Interlnk support at COM1/LPT1 - To access another computer from COM/LPT port (Dos Freeware)
SCSI Support - SCSI Drivers for Dos (Dos Freeware)
SATA Support - SATA Driver (gcdrom.sys) and JMicron JMB361 (xcdrom.sys) for Dos (Dos Freeware)
Universal USB Driver 2 - Panasonic v2.20 ASPI Manager for USB mass storage (Dos Freeware)
USB CD-Rom Driver 1 - Standard usb_cd.sys driver for cd drive (Dos Freeware)
Network Tools
Angry IP Scanner 2.21 - Scan IP addresses in any range as well as any their ports (Windows Freeware)
CurrPorts 1.80 - displays the list of all currently opened TCP and UDP ports on your computer (Windows Freeware)
Network Password Recovery 1.23 - Recover Windows XP/Vista network passwords (Credentials file) (Windows Freeware)
TCPView 2.54 - Lists TCP and UDP endpoints, including the Local/Remote addresses of TCP connections (Windows Freeware)
Winsock 2 Fix for 9x - to fix corrupted Winsock2 information by poorly written Internet programs (Windows Freeware)
XP TCP/IP Repair 1.0 - Repair your Windows XP Winsock and TCP/IP registry errors (Windows Freeware)
Defragger 3.9a - Single-file-defrag, Partition-Backup/Restore, Safe Data-Erase, Clusterviewer (Windows Freeware)
JkDefrag 3.36 - Free disk defragment and optimize utility for Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (Windows Freeware)
NT Registry Optimizer 1.1j - Registry Optimization for Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista (Windows Freeware)
PageDfrg 2.32 - System file Defragmenter For NT/2k/XP (Windows Freeware)
Other Tools
Bulk Rename Utility - Rename multiple files, change timestamps and rename using EXIF data with the click of a button. (Windows Freeware)
EasyUHA 1.0 - GUI Tool to create and extract UHA Archives (Windows Freeware)
HxD - Hex Editor provides tools to inspect and edit files, main memory, disks/disk images (Windows Freeware)
Universal TCP/IP Network 6.4 - MSDOS Network Client to connect via TCP/IP to a Microsoft based network. The network can either be a peer-to-peer or a server based network, it contains 91 different network card drivers (Dos Freeware)
Partition Tools
Fat32 Formatter GUI 1.01 - Windows XP cannot format a volume bigger than 32GB with FAT32 (Windows Freeware)
Partition Wizard Home Edition 4.2.2 - Free Partition Magic Alternative, Partition Resize/Move/Copy/Create/Delete/Format/Convert, Explore, etc. (Windows Freeware)
USB Format Tool - Format/make bootable any USB flash drive to FAT, FAT32, or NTFS partition. (Windows Freeware)
eXtended Fdisk 0.9.3 - XFDISK allows easy partition creation and edition (Dos Freeware)
Partition Table Editor 8.0 - Partition Table and Boot Record Editor (Dos Freeware)
Ranish Partition Manager 2.44 - a boot manager and hard disk partitioner. (Dos Freeware)
Smart Fdisk 2.05 - a simple harddisk partition manager (Dos Freeware)
SPecial Fdisk 2000.03v - SPFDISK a partition tool. (Dos Freeware)
Super Fdisk 1.0 - Create, delete, format partitions drives without destroying data. (Dos Freeware)
The Partition Resizer 1.3.4 - move and resize your partitions in one step and more. (Dos Freeware)
Acronis Disk Director 10.0.2160 - Popular disk management functions in a single suite (Dos Commercial)
Paragon Partition Manager 7.0.1274 - Universal tool for partitions (Dos Commercial)
Partition Magic Pro 8.05 - Best software to partition hard drive for Windows 98/2000/XP (Dos Commercial)
Partition Commander 9.01 - The safe way to partition your hard drive,with undo feature (Dos Commercial)
Asterisk Logger 1.04 - Reveal passwords hidden behind asterisk characters. (Windows Freeware)
Content Advisor Password Remover 1.01 - It Removes Content Advisor Password from Internet Explorer (Windows Freeware)
Mail PassView 1.55 - Recovers mail passwords of Outlook Express, MS Outlook, IncrediMail, Eudora, etc. (Windows Freeware)
MessenPass 1.30 - A password recovery tool that reveals the passwords of several instant messangers (Windows Freeware)
Password Renew 1.1 - Utility to (re)set windows passwords (Windows Freeware)
ProduKey 1.40 - Recovers lost the product key of your Windows/Office (Windows Freeware)
PST (Outlook) Password Recovery 1.12 - Small utility that recovers lost password of Outlook .PST (Personal Folders) file (Windows Freeware)
WindowsGate 1.1 - Enables/Disables Windows logon password validation (Windows Freeware)
WinKeyFinder 1.73 - Allows you to View and Change Windows XP/2003 Product Keys, backup and restore activation related files, backup Microsoft Office 97, 2000 SP2, XP/2003 keys etc. (Windows Freeware)
WirelessKeyView 1.33 - Recovers all wireless network keys (WEP/WPA) stored in your computer by WZC (Windows Freeware)
XP Key Reader 2.7 - Can decode the XP-key on Local or Remote systems (Windows Freeware)
Kon-Boot 1.1 - to bypass Login Password of Windows (32bit, any password) and Linux (kon-usr) (Linux Freeware)
Offline NT Password Changer 2008-08-02 - utility to reset/unlock windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 administrator/user password. (Linux Freeware)
ATAPWD 1.2 - Hard Disk Password Utility (Dos Freeware)
NTPWD - utility to reset windows nt/2000/xp administrator/user password. (Dos Freeware)
Active Password Changer 3.0.420 - To Reset User Password on windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista (FAT/NTFS) (Dos Commercial)
Process Tools
Dependency Walker 2.2 - Checks for missing/invalid DLL/modules/functions for any exe/dll/ocx/sys. (Windows Freeware)
IB Process Manager 1.04 - a little process manager for 9x/2k, shows dll info etc. (Windows Freeware)
OpenedFilesView 1.46 - View opened/locked files in your system, sharing violation issues (Windows Freeware)
Pocket KillBox - can be used to get rid of files that stubbornly refuse to allow you to delete them (Windows Freeware)
Process Explorer 12.1 - shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded (Windows Freeware)
Process Monitor 2.8 - to monitor real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity, This tool replaces Filemon and Regmon (Windows Freeware)
ProcessActivityView 1.10 - Detailed process access information read/write/opened files etc (Windows Freeware)
Unlocker 1.8.9 - This tool can delete file/folder when you get this message - Cannot delete file: Access is denied, The file is in use by another program etc. (Windows Freeware)
RAM (Memory) Testing Tools
MemTest 1.0 - a Memory Testing Tool (Windows Freeware)
Video Memory Stress Test 1.7.116 - a tool to thoroughly test your video RAM for errors and faults (Windows Freeware)
Windows Memory Diagnostic - a RAM Test tool (Windows Freeware)
Memtest86+ 4.00 - PC Memory Test (Linux Freeware)
Recovery Tools
Partition Find and Mount 2.31 - Partition Find and Mount software is designed to find lost or deleted partitions (Windows Freeware)
PhotoRec 6.11.3 - Tool to Recover File and pictures from Dos/Windows (Windows/Dos Freeware)
Recuva 1.36.479 - Restore deleted files from Hard Drive, Digital Camera Memory Card, usb mp3 player... (Windows Freeware)
Restoration 3.2.13 - a tool to recover deleted files (Windows Freeware)
Smart Partition Recovery 3.3 - Find Lost NTFS partitions and restore them back. (Windows Freeware)
TestDisk 6.11.3 - Tool to check and undelete partition from Dos/Windows (Windows/Dos Freeware)
Unstoppable Copier 4.4 - Allows you to copy files from disks with problems such as bad sectors, scratches or that just give errors when reading data. (Windows Freeware)
Active Undelete 5.5 - a tool to recover deleted files (Windows Commercial)
Active Partition Recovery 3.0 - To Recover a Deleted partition. (Dos Commercial)
Active Uneraser 3.0 - To recover deleted files and folders on FAT and NTFS systems. (Dos Commercial)
DiyDataRecovery Diskpatch 2.1.100 - An excellent data recovery software. (Dos Commercial)
GetDataBack for FAT/NTFS 4.0 - Data recovery software for FAT/NTFS file systems (Windows Commercial)
Ontrack Easy Recovery Pro 6.10 - To Recover data that has been deleted/virus attack (Dos Commercial)
Prosoft Media Tools 5.0 v1.1.2.64 - Another excellent data recovery software with many other options. (Dos Commercial)
Registry Tools
Fix HDC - Fix the Hard Drive Controller when replacing your motherboard on an XP system (Windows Freeware)
RegFromApp 1.20 - Monitors/exports the Registry changes made by the selected application. (Windows Freeware)
Registry Editor PE 0.9c - Easy editing of remote registry hives and user profiles (Windows Freeware)
Registry Restore Wizard 1.0.4 - Restores a corrupted system registry from Xp System Restore (Windows Freeware)
RegScanner 1.80 - Tool to find/search in the Registry of Windows (Windows Freeware)
Registry Reanimator 1.02 - Check and Restore structure of the Damaged Registry files of NT/2K/XP (Dos Commercial)
Registry Viewer 4.2 - Registry Viewer/Editor for Win9x/Me/NT/2K/XP (Dos Commercial)
Remote Control Tools
TeamViewer 1.85 - Access any remote computer via Internet just like sitting in front of it, even through firewalls. (Windows Freeware)
TightVNC 1.3.10 - Cross-platform Remote Desktop Software to view/control remote pc with mouse and keyboard (Windows Freeware)
Security Tools
DiskCryptor 0.8 - High speed disk encryption tool to encrypt all disk/partitions, including the system partition encryption support (Windows Freeware)
TrueCrypt 6.3a - On-the-fly disk encryption tool, can create a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mount it as a real disk, can also encrypt an entire HDD/Partition/USB Drive (Windows Freeware)
Startup Tools
Autoruns 9.57 - Displays All the entries from startup folder, Run, RunOnce, and other Registry keys, Explorer shell extensions,toolbars, browser helper objects, Winlogon notifications, auto-start services, Scheduled Tasks, Winsock, LSA Providers, Remove Drivers and much more which helps to remove nasty spyware/adware and viruses. (Windows Freeware)
HijackThis 2.0.3b - a general homepage hijackers detector and remover and more (Windows Freeware)
Silent Runners Revision 60 - A free script that helps detect spyware, malware and adware in the startup process (Windows Freeware)
Startup Control Panel 2.8 - a tool to edit startup programs (Windows Freeware)
Startup Monitor 1.02 - it notifies you when any program registers itself to run at system startup (Windows Freeware)
System Information Tools
BlueScreenView 1.20 - Scans minidump files for BSOD (blue screen of death) crash information (Windows Freeware)
CPU-Z 1.54 - It gathers information on some of the main devices of your system (Windows Freeware)
Drive Temperature 1.0 - Hard Disk Drive temperature meter (Windows Freeware)
GPU-Z 0.4.0 - A lightweight utility designed to give you all information about your video card and GPU (Windows Freeware)
HDTune 2.55 - Hard disk benchmarking and information tool. (Windows Freeware)
PC Wizard 2010.1.93 - Powerful system information/benchmark utility designed especially for detection of hardware. (Windows Freeware)
PCI 32 Sniffer 1.4 (0404) - device information tool (similar to unknown devices) (Windows Freeware)
SIW 2010-03-10 - Gathers detailed information about your system properties and settings. (Windows Freeware)
UnknownDevices 1.4.20 (0404) - helps you find what those unknown devices in Device Manager really are (Windows Freeware)
USBDeview 1.56 - View/Uninstall all installed/connected USB devices on your system (Windows Freeware)
Astra 5.45 - Advanced System info Tool and Reporting Assistant (Dos Freeware)
CPU Identification utility 1.18 - Detailed information on CPU (CHKCPU.EXE) (Dos Freeware)
CTIA CPU Information 2.7 - another CPU information tool (Dos Freeware)
HWiNFO 5.3.5 - a powerful system information utility (Dos Freeware)
Navratil Software System Information 0.60.38 - High-end professional system information tool (Dos Freeware)
PCI and AGP info Tool (0404) - The PCI System information & Exploration tool. (Dos Freeware)
System Analyser 5.3w - View extensive information about your hardware (Dos Freeware)
SysChk 2.46 - Find out exactly what is under the hood of your PC (Dos Freeware)
Testing Tools
Disk Speed 1.0 - Hard Disk Drive Speed Testing Tool (Windows Freeware)
H2testw 1.4 - Check your USB Flash memory cards, internal/external hard drives and network drives for errors with this tool (Windows Freeware)
HDD Scan 3.2 - HDDScan is a Low-level HDD diagnostic tool, it scans surface find bad sectors etc. (Windows Freeware)
IsMyLcdOK (Monitor Test) 1.02 - Allows you to test CRT/LCD/TFT screens for dead pixels and diffective screens (Windows Freeware)
S&M Stress Test 1.9.1 - cpu/hdd/memory benchmarking and information tool, including temperatures/fan speeds/voltages (Windows Freeware)
System Speed Test 4.78 - it tests CPU, harddrive, ect. (Dos Freeware)
CPU/Video/Disk Performance Test 5.7 - a tool to test cpu, video, and disk (Dos Freeware)
Test Hard Disk Drive 1.0 - a tool to test Hard Disk Drive (Dos Freeware)
PC-Check 6.21 - Easy to use hardware tests (Dos Commercial)
The Troubleshooter 7.02 - all kind of hardware testing tool (Dos Commercial)
Dial a Fix - Fix errors and problems with COM/ActiveX object errors and missing registry entries, Automatic Updates, SSL, HTTPS, and Cryptography service (signing/verification) issues, Reinstall internet explorer etc. comes with the policy scanner (Windows Freeware)
EzPcFix - Helpful tool when trying to remove viruses, spyware, and malware (Windows Freeware)
InstalledCodec 1.15 - Disable/Enable Installed Codec drivers and DirectShow filters (Windows Freeware)
RemoveWGA 1.2 - Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications Removal tool (Windows Freeware)
RRT - Remove Restrictions Tool 3.0 - To Re-enable Ctrl+Alt+Del, Folder Options and Registry tools etc. (Windows Freeware)
Shell Extensions Manager (ShellExView) 1.45 - An excellent tool to View and Manage all installed Context-menu/Shell extensions (Windows Freeware)
ShellMenuNew 1.01 - View/Change the list of all menu items in the 'New' submenu of Windows Explorer (Windows Freeware)
TweakUI 2.10 - This PowerToy gives you access to system settings that are not exposed in Windows Xp (Windows Freeware)
Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.1 - A TweakUI Utility for tweaking and optimizing Windows Vista (Windows Freeware)
Xp-AntiSpy 3.97.9 - it tweaks some Windows XP functions, and disables some unneeded Windows services quickly (Windows Freeware)
Link :
- Running windows xp dari cd, kalo mau re-install windows tapi ada data-data penting yang harus diselamatkan sedangkan windows hang. Tinggal booting dari cd pilih menu menu "Mini Windows XP".
- Kloning Partisi / hardisk, Setelah windows dan kumpuluan program jangan lupa mengkloning partisi di C, buat jaga-jaga windows error kembali. Dengan me-restore hasil kloning dalam tempo 15 menit pc kembali normal seperti semula tanpa instal ulang berjam-jam.
- Mengembalikan data hilang akibat kena format / virus
- Jebol Password windows / hotspot
- dan banyak lagi...
Berikut ini merukan kumpulan puluhan tool dari Hiren's BootCd untuk memperbaiki komputer yang bermasalah.
Antivirus Tools
ComboFix (0404) - Designed to cleanup malware infections and restore settings modified by malware (Windows Freeware)
CWShredder 2.19 - Popular CoolWebSearch Trojan Remover tool (Windows Freeware)
Dr.Web CureIt! Antivirus (0404) - a free standalone anti-virus and anti-spyware on-demand scanner (Windows Freeware)
GMER 1.0.15 - Hidden services, hidden registry, hidden file scanner, Rootkit Detector and Remover (Windows Freeware)
Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.45 (0404) - anti-malware application that can thoroughly remove even the most advanced malware. (Windows Freeware)
RootkitRevealer 1.7.1 - Rootkit Revealer is an advanced patent-pending root kit detection utility. (Windows Freeware)
SmitFraudFix 2.424 - This removes Some of the popular Desktop Hijack malware (Windows Freeware)
Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.6.2 (0404) - Application to scan for spyware, adware, hijackers and other malicious software. (Windows Freeware)
SpywareBlaster 4.2 (0404) - Prevent the installation of spyware and other potentially unwanted software. (Windows Freeware)
SuperAntispyware 4.35.1002 (0404) - Remove Malware, Rootkits, Spyware, Adware, Worms, Parasites (a must have tool) (Windows Freeware)
Backup Tools
COPYR.DMA Build013 - A Tool for making copies of hard disks with bad sectors (Dos Freeware)
Double Driver 3.0 - Driver Backup and Restore tool (Windows Freeware)
DriverBackup! 1.0.3 - Another handy tool to backup drivers (Windows Freeware)
DriveImageXML 2.13 - backup any drive/partition to an image file, even if the drive is currently in use (Windows Freeware)
FastCopy 1.99r4 - The Fastest Copy/Delete Software on Windows (Windows Freeware)
GImageX 2.0.17 - ImageX is used to backup/restore WIM images for Windows XP/Vista and Windows 7 (Windows Freeware)
InfraRecorder 0.50 - An Open source CD/DVD burning software, also create/burn .iso images (Windows Freeware)
Partition Saving 3.80 - A tool to backup/restore partitions. (SavePart.exe) (Windows/Dos Freeware)
RegBak 1.0 - a light-weight and simple utility to create backups of Windows registry files (Windows Freeware)
Smart Driver Backup 2.12 - Easy backup of your Windows device drivers (also works from PE) (Windows Freeware)
WhitSoft File Splitter 4.5a - a Small File Split-Join Tool (Windows Freeware)
Acronis True Image 8.1.945 - Create an exact disk image for complete system backup and disk cloning. (Dos Commercial)
Drive SnapShot 1.39 - creates an exact Disk Image of your system into a file while windows is running. (Windows/Dos Commercial)
ImageCenter 5.6 (Drive Image 2002) - Best software to clone hard drive (Dos Commercial)
Norton Ghost 11.5.1 - Similar to Drive Image (with Image Explorer and usb/scsi support) (Windows/Dos Commercial)
Award DMI Configuration Utility 2.43 - DMI Configuration utility for modifying/viewing the MIDF contents. (Dos Freeware)
!BIOS 3.20 - a powerfull utility for bios and cmos (Dos Freeware)
BIOS Cracker 5.0 - BIOS password remover (cmospwd) (Dos Freeware)
BIOS Utility 1.35.0 - BIOS Informations, password, beep codes and more. (Dos Freeware)
CMOS 0.93 - CMOS Save / Restore Tool (Dos Freeware)
DISKMAN4 - a powerful all in one utility (Windows/Dos Freeware)
Kill CMOS - a tiny utility to wipe cmos (Dos Freeware)
UniFlash 1.40 - bios flash utility (Dos Freeware)
Browsers / File Managers
7-Zip 9.12b - File Manager/Archiver Supports 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2, TAR, RAR, CAB, ISO, ARJ, LZH, CHM, MSI, WIM, Z, CPIO, RPM, DEB and NSIS formats (Windows Freeware)
Explore2fs 1.08b - GUI explorer tool for accessing linux ext2 and ext3 filesystems under windows (Windows Freeware)
Opera Web Browser 8.54 - One of the fastest, smallest and smartest full-featured web browser (Windows Freeware)
Total Commander 7.50a - A file manager similar to the Windows Explorer features side-by-side file-browsing panes, built-in FTP, archive management, file search/compare/synchronize and more. (Windows Freeware)
Dos Command Center 5.1 - Classic dos-based file manager. (Dos Freeware)
Dos Navigator 6.4.0 - Dos File Manager, Norton Commander clone but has much more features. (Dos Freeware)
File Maven 3.5 - an advanced Dos file manager with high speed PC-to-PC file transfers via serial or parallel cable (Dos Freeware)
File Wizard 1.35 - a file manager - colored files, drag and drop copy, move, delete etc. (Dos Freeware)
FastLynx 2.0 - Dos file manager with Pc to Pc file transfer capability (Dos Freeware)
Volkov Commander 4.99 - Dos File Manager with LongFileName/ntfs support (Similar to Norton Commander) (Dos Freeware)
Mini Windows 98 - Can run from Ram Drive, with ntfs support, 7-Zip, Disk Defragmenter, Notepad / RichText Editor, Image Viewer, .avi .mpg .divx .xvid Movie Player, etc... (Windows/Dos Commercial)
Mini Windows Xp - Portable Windows Xp that runs from CD/USB/Ram Drive, with Network and SATA support (Windows/Dos Commercial)
CCleaner 2.30.1130 - Crap Cleaner is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool (Windows Freeware)
Data Shredder 1.0 - A tool to Erase disk and files (also wipe free space) securely (Windows Freeware)
SpaceMonger 1.4 - keeping track of the free space on your computer (Windows Freeware)
WinDirStat - a disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup tool for Windows. (Windows Freeware)
FileSystems Tools
AlternateStreamView 1.12 - View/Copy/Delete hidden NTFS Alternate Data Streams (Windows Freeware)
FileDisk Mount Tool 25 - to mount ISO/BIN/NRG/MDF/IMA images on windows. (Windows Freeware)
NewSID 4.10 - utility that changes the security ID (SID) for Windows NT, 2000 and XP (Windows Freeware)
NTFS Access 2.1 - Set NTFS permissions recursively and full access rights to a folder/file owner (Windows Freeware)
Virtual Floppy Drive 2.1 - enables you to create and mount a virtual floppy drive on your NT/2000/XP/Vista (Windows Freeware)
EditBINI 1.01 - to Edit boot.ini on NTFS Partition (Dos Freeware)
NTFS4Dos 1.9 - To access ntfs partitions from Dos (Dos Freeware)
NTFS Dos 3.02 - To access ntfs partitions from Dos (Dos Freeware)
NTFS Dos Pro 5.0 - To access ntfs partitions from Dos (Dos Commercial)
Paragon Mount Everything 3.0 - To access NTFS, Ext2FS, Ext3FS partitions from dos (Dos Commercial)
Hard Disk Tools
Active Kill Disk 4.1.2393 - Securely overwrites and destroys all data on physical drive. (Dos Freeware)
ExcelStor's ESTest 4.50 - ExcelStor hard disk diagnostic utility (Dos Freeware)
Fujitsu HDD Diagnostic Tool 7.00 - to check IDE drives for possible defects/problems (Dos Freeware)
Fujitsu IDE Low Level Format 1.0 - Low Level Format Tool (Dos Freeware)
Gateway GwScan 5.12 - Gateway hard drive diagnostic utility (Dos Freeware)
Hard Disk Sentinel 0.04 - Hard Disk health, performance and temperature monitoring tool. (Dos Freeware)
HDAT2 4.53 - main function is testing and repair (regenerates) bad sectors for detected devices (Dos Freeware)
HDD Erase 4.0 - Secure erase using a special feature built into most newer hard drives (Dos Freeware)
IBM Hitachi Drive Fitness Test 4.16 - quickly and reliably tests SCSI, IDE and SATA drives (Dos Freeware)
IBM Hitachi Feature Tool 2.15 - allows you to control some of the features of the the HDD (Dos Freeware)
Maxtor amset utility 4.0 - Utility for changing Acoustic Management on the hard drives (Dos Freeware)
Maxtor Low Level Formatter 1.1 - Maxtor's Low Level Format Utility works on any harddrive (Dos Freeware)
Maxtor PowerMax 4.23 - designed to perform diagnostic read/write verifications on Maxtor/Quantum hard drives (Dos Freeware)
MHDD 4.6 - Precise diagnostic of the mechanical part of a drive, perform Low-level format, Bad Sector Sepair, access raw sectors, manage S.M.A.R.T. (SMART) and other drive parameters such as acoustic management, security, Host Protected Area, etc. (Dos Freeware)
Samsung Disk Diagnose (SHDIAG) 1.28 - to diagnose the disk when suspected to have failures (Dos Freeware)
Samsung ESTOOL 3.00g - Drive Diagnostic, Automatic Acoustic Management, Enable/Disable SMART etc (Dos Freeware)
Samsung HDD Utility(HUTIL) 2.10 - The Drive Diagnostic Utility (Dos Freeware)
SeaTools for Dos - GUI 2.17 Text 1.10 versions to test Seagate or Maxtor Parallel ATA (PATA and IDE) and Serial ATA (SATA) interface disc drives (Dos Freeware)
SmartUDM 2.00 - Hard Disk Drive S.M.A.R.T. Viewer. (Dos Freeware)
Toshiba Hard Disk Diagnostic 2.00b - Toshiba hard drive diagnostic utility (Dos Freeware)
Victoria 3.33e and 3.52rus - a freeware program for low-level HDD diagnostics (Dos Freeware)
WDClear 1.30 - Restore/Erases the drive back to a factory condition (Dos Freeware)
Western Digital Data Lifeguard Tools 11.2 - for the installation of Western Digital EIDE Hard Drives (Dos Freeware)
Western Digital Diagnostics (DLGDIAG) 5.04f - to quickly and efficiently verify the status of the drive (Dos Freeware)
Darik's Boot and Nuke (DBAN) 1.0.7 - Completely deletes the contents of any hard disk it can detect (Linux Freeware)
HDD Regenerator 1.71 - to recover a bad hard drive (Dos Commercial)
MBR (Master Boot Record) Tools
BootSect 6.0.6 - Boot Sector Manipulation Tool, This tool replaces FixFAT.exe and FixNTFS.exe (Windows Freeware)
DiskMan 4.2 - all in one tool for cmos, bios, bootrecord and more (Windows/Dos Freeware)
Grub4Dos installer 1.1 - an universal boot loader GRUB for DOS installer (Windows Freeware)
MBRWizard 2.0b - Directly update and modify the MBR (Master Boot Record) (Windows/Dos Freeware)
MbrFix 1.3 - To backup, restore, fix the boot code in the MBR (Windows/Dos Freeware)
MBR Utility 1.05 - to manipulate a drive's master boot record (MBR) via the command line (Windows/Dos Freeware)
BootFix Utility - Run this utility if you get 'Invalid system disk' (Dos Freeware)
Boot Partition 2.60 - add Partition in the Windows NT/2000/XP Multi-boot loader (Dos Freeware)
MBRWork 1.08 - a utility to perform some common and uncommon MBR functions (Dos Freeware)
MBRTool 2.3.200 - backup, verify, restore, edit, refresh, remove, display, re-write... (Dos Freeware)
MBR SAVE / RESTORE 2.1 - BootSave and BootRest tools to save / restore MBR (Dos Freeware)
Smart Boot Manager 3.7.1 - a multi boot manager (Dos Freeware)
MultiMedia Tools
MpxPlay 1.56 - a small Music Player for dos (Dos Freeware)
Picture Viewer 1.94 - Picture viewer for dos, supports more then 40 filetypes. (Dos Freeware)
QuickView Pro 2.58 - movie viewer for dos, supports many format including divx. (Dos Freeware)
Ms Dos Tools
1394 Firewire Support - 1394 Firewire Drivers for Dos (Dos Freeware)
ASUSTeK USB Driver 3 - ASUS USB CD-ROM Device Driver Version 1.00 (Dos Freeware)
Dos tools - Collection of dos utilities extract.exe pkzip.exe pkunzip.exe lha.exe gzip.exe uharcd.exe imgExtrc.exe xcopy.exe fdisk.exe fdisk2.exe fdisk3.exe lf.exe delpart.exe deltree.exe find.exe hex.exe debug.exe split.exe mem.exe smartdrv.exe xmsdsk.exe killer.exe share.exe scandisk.exe scanreg.exe guest.exe doskey.exe duse.exe move.exe setver.exe intersvr.exe interlnk.exe loadlin.exe lfndos.exe (Dos Commercial)
Interlnk support at COM1/LPT1 - To access another computer from COM/LPT port (Dos Freeware)
SCSI Support - SCSI Drivers for Dos (Dos Freeware)
SATA Support - SATA Driver (gcdrom.sys) and JMicron JMB361 (xcdrom.sys) for Dos (Dos Freeware)
Universal USB Driver 2 - Panasonic v2.20 ASPI Manager for USB mass storage (Dos Freeware)
USB CD-Rom Driver 1 - Standard usb_cd.sys driver for cd drive (Dos Freeware)
Network Tools
Angry IP Scanner 2.21 - Scan IP addresses in any range as well as any their ports (Windows Freeware)
CurrPorts 1.80 - displays the list of all currently opened TCP and UDP ports on your computer (Windows Freeware)
Network Password Recovery 1.23 - Recover Windows XP/Vista network passwords (Credentials file) (Windows Freeware)
TCPView 2.54 - Lists TCP and UDP endpoints, including the Local/Remote addresses of TCP connections (Windows Freeware)
Winsock 2 Fix for 9x - to fix corrupted Winsock2 information by poorly written Internet programs (Windows Freeware)
XP TCP/IP Repair 1.0 - Repair your Windows XP Winsock and TCP/IP registry errors (Windows Freeware)
Defragger 3.9a - Single-file-defrag, Partition-Backup/Restore, Safe Data-Erase, Clusterviewer (Windows Freeware)
JkDefrag 3.36 - Free disk defragment and optimize utility for Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (Windows Freeware)
NT Registry Optimizer 1.1j - Registry Optimization for Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista (Windows Freeware)
PageDfrg 2.32 - System file Defragmenter For NT/2k/XP (Windows Freeware)
Other Tools
Bulk Rename Utility - Rename multiple files, change timestamps and rename using EXIF data with the click of a button. (Windows Freeware)
EasyUHA 1.0 - GUI Tool to create and extract UHA Archives (Windows Freeware)
HxD - Hex Editor provides tools to inspect and edit files, main memory, disks/disk images (Windows Freeware)
Universal TCP/IP Network 6.4 - MSDOS Network Client to connect via TCP/IP to a Microsoft based network. The network can either be a peer-to-peer or a server based network, it contains 91 different network card drivers (Dos Freeware)
Partition Tools
Fat32 Formatter GUI 1.01 - Windows XP cannot format a volume bigger than 32GB with FAT32 (Windows Freeware)
Partition Wizard Home Edition 4.2.2 - Free Partition Magic Alternative, Partition Resize/Move/Copy/Create/Delete/Format/Convert, Explore, etc. (Windows Freeware)
USB Format Tool - Format/make bootable any USB flash drive to FAT, FAT32, or NTFS partition. (Windows Freeware)
eXtended Fdisk 0.9.3 - XFDISK allows easy partition creation and edition (Dos Freeware)
Partition Table Editor 8.0 - Partition Table and Boot Record Editor (Dos Freeware)
Ranish Partition Manager 2.44 - a boot manager and hard disk partitioner. (Dos Freeware)
Smart Fdisk 2.05 - a simple harddisk partition manager (Dos Freeware)
SPecial Fdisk 2000.03v - SPFDISK a partition tool. (Dos Freeware)
Super Fdisk 1.0 - Create, delete, format partitions drives without destroying data. (Dos Freeware)
The Partition Resizer 1.3.4 - move and resize your partitions in one step and more. (Dos Freeware)
Acronis Disk Director 10.0.2160 - Popular disk management functions in a single suite (Dos Commercial)
Paragon Partition Manager 7.0.1274 - Universal tool for partitions (Dos Commercial)
Partition Magic Pro 8.05 - Best software to partition hard drive for Windows 98/2000/XP (Dos Commercial)
Partition Commander 9.01 - The safe way to partition your hard drive,with undo feature (Dos Commercial)
Password Tools
----------------------------------Asterisk Logger 1.04 - Reveal passwords hidden behind asterisk characters. (Windows Freeware)
Content Advisor Password Remover 1.01 - It Removes Content Advisor Password from Internet Explorer (Windows Freeware)
Mail PassView 1.55 - Recovers mail passwords of Outlook Express, MS Outlook, IncrediMail, Eudora, etc. (Windows Freeware)
MessenPass 1.30 - A password recovery tool that reveals the passwords of several instant messangers (Windows Freeware)
Password Renew 1.1 - Utility to (re)set windows passwords (Windows Freeware)
ProduKey 1.40 - Recovers lost the product key of your Windows/Office (Windows Freeware)
PST (Outlook) Password Recovery 1.12 - Small utility that recovers lost password of Outlook .PST (Personal Folders) file (Windows Freeware)
WindowsGate 1.1 - Enables/Disables Windows logon password validation (Windows Freeware)
WinKeyFinder 1.73 - Allows you to View and Change Windows XP/2003 Product Keys, backup and restore activation related files, backup Microsoft Office 97, 2000 SP2, XP/2003 keys etc. (Windows Freeware)
WirelessKeyView 1.33 - Recovers all wireless network keys (WEP/WPA) stored in your computer by WZC (Windows Freeware)
XP Key Reader 2.7 - Can decode the XP-key on Local or Remote systems (Windows Freeware)
Kon-Boot 1.1 - to bypass Login Password of Windows (32bit, any password) and Linux (kon-usr) (Linux Freeware)
Offline NT Password Changer 2008-08-02 - utility to reset/unlock windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 administrator/user password. (Linux Freeware)
ATAPWD 1.2 - Hard Disk Password Utility (Dos Freeware)
NTPWD - utility to reset windows nt/2000/xp administrator/user password. (Dos Freeware)
Active Password Changer 3.0.420 - To Reset User Password on windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista (FAT/NTFS) (Dos Commercial)
Process Tools
Dependency Walker 2.2 - Checks for missing/invalid DLL/modules/functions for any exe/dll/ocx/sys. (Windows Freeware)
IB Process Manager 1.04 - a little process manager for 9x/2k, shows dll info etc. (Windows Freeware)
OpenedFilesView 1.46 - View opened/locked files in your system, sharing violation issues (Windows Freeware)
Pocket KillBox - can be used to get rid of files that stubbornly refuse to allow you to delete them (Windows Freeware)
Process Explorer 12.1 - shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded (Windows Freeware)
Process Monitor 2.8 - to monitor real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity, This tool replaces Filemon and Regmon (Windows Freeware)
ProcessActivityView 1.10 - Detailed process access information read/write/opened files etc (Windows Freeware)
Unlocker 1.8.9 - This tool can delete file/folder when you get this message - Cannot delete file: Access is denied, The file is in use by another program etc. (Windows Freeware)
RAM (Memory) Testing Tools
MemTest 1.0 - a Memory Testing Tool (Windows Freeware)
Video Memory Stress Test 1.7.116 - a tool to thoroughly test your video RAM for errors and faults (Windows Freeware)
Windows Memory Diagnostic - a RAM Test tool (Windows Freeware)
Memtest86+ 4.00 - PC Memory Test (Linux Freeware)
Recovery Tools
Partition Find and Mount 2.31 - Partition Find and Mount software is designed to find lost or deleted partitions (Windows Freeware)
PhotoRec 6.11.3 - Tool to Recover File and pictures from Dos/Windows (Windows/Dos Freeware)
Recuva 1.36.479 - Restore deleted files from Hard Drive, Digital Camera Memory Card, usb mp3 player... (Windows Freeware)
Restoration 3.2.13 - a tool to recover deleted files (Windows Freeware)
Smart Partition Recovery 3.3 - Find Lost NTFS partitions and restore them back. (Windows Freeware)
TestDisk 6.11.3 - Tool to check and undelete partition from Dos/Windows (Windows/Dos Freeware)
Unstoppable Copier 4.4 - Allows you to copy files from disks with problems such as bad sectors, scratches or that just give errors when reading data. (Windows Freeware)
Active Undelete 5.5 - a tool to recover deleted files (Windows Commercial)
Active Partition Recovery 3.0 - To Recover a Deleted partition. (Dos Commercial)
Active Uneraser 3.0 - To recover deleted files and folders on FAT and NTFS systems. (Dos Commercial)
DiyDataRecovery Diskpatch 2.1.100 - An excellent data recovery software. (Dos Commercial)
GetDataBack for FAT/NTFS 4.0 - Data recovery software for FAT/NTFS file systems (Windows Commercial)
Ontrack Easy Recovery Pro 6.10 - To Recover data that has been deleted/virus attack (Dos Commercial)
Prosoft Media Tools 5.0 v1.1.2.64 - Another excellent data recovery software with many other options. (Dos Commercial)
Registry Tools
Fix HDC - Fix the Hard Drive Controller when replacing your motherboard on an XP system (Windows Freeware)
RegFromApp 1.20 - Monitors/exports the Registry changes made by the selected application. (Windows Freeware)
Registry Editor PE 0.9c - Easy editing of remote registry hives and user profiles (Windows Freeware)
Registry Restore Wizard 1.0.4 - Restores a corrupted system registry from Xp System Restore (Windows Freeware)
RegScanner 1.80 - Tool to find/search in the Registry of Windows (Windows Freeware)
Registry Reanimator 1.02 - Check and Restore structure of the Damaged Registry files of NT/2K/XP (Dos Commercial)
Registry Viewer 4.2 - Registry Viewer/Editor for Win9x/Me/NT/2K/XP (Dos Commercial)
Remote Control Tools
TeamViewer 1.85 - Access any remote computer via Internet just like sitting in front of it, even through firewalls. (Windows Freeware)
TightVNC 1.3.10 - Cross-platform Remote Desktop Software to view/control remote pc with mouse and keyboard (Windows Freeware)
Security Tools
DiskCryptor 0.8 - High speed disk encryption tool to encrypt all disk/partitions, including the system partition encryption support (Windows Freeware)
TrueCrypt 6.3a - On-the-fly disk encryption tool, can create a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mount it as a real disk, can also encrypt an entire HDD/Partition/USB Drive (Windows Freeware)
Startup Tools
Autoruns 9.57 - Displays All the entries from startup folder, Run, RunOnce, and other Registry keys, Explorer shell extensions,toolbars, browser helper objects, Winlogon notifications, auto-start services, Scheduled Tasks, Winsock, LSA Providers, Remove Drivers and much more which helps to remove nasty spyware/adware and viruses. (Windows Freeware)
HijackThis 2.0.3b - a general homepage hijackers detector and remover and more (Windows Freeware)
Silent Runners Revision 60 - A free script that helps detect spyware, malware and adware in the startup process (Windows Freeware)
Startup Control Panel 2.8 - a tool to edit startup programs (Windows Freeware)
Startup Monitor 1.02 - it notifies you when any program registers itself to run at system startup (Windows Freeware)
System Information Tools
BlueScreenView 1.20 - Scans minidump files for BSOD (blue screen of death) crash information (Windows Freeware)
CPU-Z 1.54 - It gathers information on some of the main devices of your system (Windows Freeware)
Drive Temperature 1.0 - Hard Disk Drive temperature meter (Windows Freeware)
GPU-Z 0.4.0 - A lightweight utility designed to give you all information about your video card and GPU (Windows Freeware)
HDTune 2.55 - Hard disk benchmarking and information tool. (Windows Freeware)
PC Wizard 2010.1.93 - Powerful system information/benchmark utility designed especially for detection of hardware. (Windows Freeware)
PCI 32 Sniffer 1.4 (0404) - device information tool (similar to unknown devices) (Windows Freeware)
SIW 2010-03-10 - Gathers detailed information about your system properties and settings. (Windows Freeware)
UnknownDevices 1.4.20 (0404) - helps you find what those unknown devices in Device Manager really are (Windows Freeware)
USBDeview 1.56 - View/Uninstall all installed/connected USB devices on your system (Windows Freeware)
Astra 5.45 - Advanced System info Tool and Reporting Assistant (Dos Freeware)
CPU Identification utility 1.18 - Detailed information on CPU (CHKCPU.EXE) (Dos Freeware)
CTIA CPU Information 2.7 - another CPU information tool (Dos Freeware)
HWiNFO 5.3.5 - a powerful system information utility (Dos Freeware)
Navratil Software System Information 0.60.38 - High-end professional system information tool (Dos Freeware)
PCI and AGP info Tool (0404) - The PCI System information & Exploration tool. (Dos Freeware)
System Analyser 5.3w - View extensive information about your hardware (Dos Freeware)
SysChk 2.46 - Find out exactly what is under the hood of your PC (Dos Freeware)
Testing Tools
Disk Speed 1.0 - Hard Disk Drive Speed Testing Tool (Windows Freeware)
H2testw 1.4 - Check your USB Flash memory cards, internal/external hard drives and network drives for errors with this tool (Windows Freeware)
HDD Scan 3.2 - HDDScan is a Low-level HDD diagnostic tool, it scans surface find bad sectors etc. (Windows Freeware)
IsMyLcdOK (Monitor Test) 1.02 - Allows you to test CRT/LCD/TFT screens for dead pixels and diffective screens (Windows Freeware)
S&M Stress Test 1.9.1 - cpu/hdd/memory benchmarking and information tool, including temperatures/fan speeds/voltages (Windows Freeware)
System Speed Test 4.78 - it tests CPU, harddrive, ect. (Dos Freeware)
CPU/Video/Disk Performance Test 5.7 - a tool to test cpu, video, and disk (Dos Freeware)
Test Hard Disk Drive 1.0 - a tool to test Hard Disk Drive (Dos Freeware)
PC-Check 6.21 - Easy to use hardware tests (Dos Commercial)
The Troubleshooter 7.02 - all kind of hardware testing tool (Dos Commercial)
Dial a Fix - Fix errors and problems with COM/ActiveX object errors and missing registry entries, Automatic Updates, SSL, HTTPS, and Cryptography service (signing/verification) issues, Reinstall internet explorer etc. comes with the policy scanner (Windows Freeware)
EzPcFix - Helpful tool when trying to remove viruses, spyware, and malware (Windows Freeware)
InstalledCodec 1.15 - Disable/Enable Installed Codec drivers and DirectShow filters (Windows Freeware)
RemoveWGA 1.2 - Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications Removal tool (Windows Freeware)
RRT - Remove Restrictions Tool 3.0 - To Re-enable Ctrl+Alt+Del, Folder Options and Registry tools etc. (Windows Freeware)
Shell Extensions Manager (ShellExView) 1.45 - An excellent tool to View and Manage all installed Context-menu/Shell extensions (Windows Freeware)
ShellMenuNew 1.01 - View/Change the list of all menu items in the 'New' submenu of Windows Explorer (Windows Freeware)
TweakUI 2.10 - This PowerToy gives you access to system settings that are not exposed in Windows Xp (Windows Freeware)
Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.1 - A TweakUI Utility for tweaking and optimizing Windows Vista (Windows Freeware)
Xp-AntiSpy 3.97.9 - it tweaks some Windows XP functions, and disables some unneeded Windows services quickly (Windows Freeware)
Link :
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Cara Install Windows XP dengan Flashdisk
Cara Install Windows XP dengan Flashdisk :
I. Siapkan bahan-bahannya :
1. CD OS Windows XP
2. Flashdisk kosong minimal 1 GB (hati-hati data yg ada di dalamnya akan terhapus
3. File USB PREP8 + PeToUSB, link downloadnya download MembuatFlashdiskBootableXP.rar (sudah termasuk Bootsect.exe)
4. File Bootsect.exe, link download sama dengan di no.3
5. Komputer lain yang memakai O/S Windows XP dengan ruang kosong di drive C minimal 1,5 Gb.
II. Tancapkan Flashdisk Kosong anda ke komputer.
III. Extract file MembuatFlashdiskBootableXP.rar yang telah anda download di drive C langsung.
Hasilnya tampak seperti di gambar ini :
IV. Jalankan file usb_prep8.cmd yang ada di folder usb_prep8 dengan cara dobel klik, sehingga tampil seperti gambar berikut ini :
Kemudian tekan sembarang tombol, dan akan muncul :
Terus Klik START =>> YES =>> YES, maka proses format akan segera di mulai dan flashdisk akan diformat menjadi flashdisk boot. Tunggu sampai keluar kotak : " Operation Completed Successfully ". Berarti proses format selesai. Kemudian close PeToUSB nya tapi JANGAN TUTUP JENDELA DOS dibelakangnya ...
V. Masuk RUN dan ketik CMD kemudian enter.
Kemudian jalankan file bootsect.exe di dalam folder bootsect dengan perintah DOS yang baru saja di buka itu. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memberikan flashdisk file boot manager. Caranya:
1. Setelah masuk DOS, ubah direktori aktifnya ke dirve yang ada folder bootsect-nya.
2. Kemudian setelah aktif di c:\bootsect\ ketikkan perintah " bootsect.exe /nt52 e: " kemudian enter. "e:" adalah menunjukkan drive flashdisk anda.
Ikuti gambar berikut ini :
Setelah selesai kemudian tutup jendela bootsect. Sekali lagi JANGAN TUTUP JENDELA DOS YANG PALING PERTAMA TADI.
VI. Pada jendela DOS ketik 1 untuk mengarahkan ke drive dimana lokasi CD Master XP berada.
VII. Pilihan 2 lewati aja
VIII. Pilihan 3 untuk menentukan lokasi drive flashdisk anda.
IX. Pilihan 4 untuk memulai proses pembuatan Flashdisk Booting Install XP.
Kemudian jika muncul jendela permintaan jawab dengan YES atau kalau ada Press Any Key To Continue, tekan sembarang tombol. Begitu sampai dengan selesai.
Selamat Mencoba .....
I. Siapkan bahan-bahannya :
1. CD OS Windows XP
2. Flashdisk kosong minimal 1 GB (hati-hati data yg ada di dalamnya akan terhapus
3. File USB PREP8 + PeToUSB, link downloadnya download MembuatFlashdiskBootableXP.rar (sudah termasuk Bootsect.exe)
4. File Bootsect.exe, link download sama dengan di no.3
5. Komputer lain yang memakai O/S Windows XP dengan ruang kosong di drive C minimal 1,5 Gb.
II. Tancapkan Flashdisk Kosong anda ke komputer.
III. Extract file MembuatFlashdiskBootableXP.rar yang telah anda download di drive C langsung.
Hasilnya tampak seperti di gambar ini :
IV. Jalankan file usb_prep8.cmd yang ada di folder usb_prep8 dengan cara dobel klik, sehingga tampil seperti gambar berikut ini :
Kemudian tekan sembarang tombol, dan akan muncul :
Terus Klik START =>> YES =>> YES, maka proses format akan segera di mulai dan flashdisk akan diformat menjadi flashdisk boot. Tunggu sampai keluar kotak : " Operation Completed Successfully ". Berarti proses format selesai. Kemudian close PeToUSB nya tapi JANGAN TUTUP JENDELA DOS dibelakangnya ...
V. Masuk RUN dan ketik CMD kemudian enter.
Kemudian jalankan file bootsect.exe di dalam folder bootsect dengan perintah DOS yang baru saja di buka itu. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memberikan flashdisk file boot manager. Caranya:
1. Setelah masuk DOS, ubah direktori aktifnya ke dirve yang ada folder bootsect-nya.
2. Kemudian setelah aktif di c:\bootsect\ ketikkan perintah " bootsect.exe /nt52 e: " kemudian enter. "e:" adalah menunjukkan drive flashdisk anda.
Ikuti gambar berikut ini :
Setelah selesai kemudian tutup jendela bootsect. Sekali lagi JANGAN TUTUP JENDELA DOS YANG PALING PERTAMA TADI.
VI. Pada jendela DOS ketik 1 untuk mengarahkan ke drive dimana lokasi CD Master XP berada.
VII. Pilihan 2 lewati aja
VIII. Pilihan 3 untuk menentukan lokasi drive flashdisk anda.
IX. Pilihan 4 untuk memulai proses pembuatan Flashdisk Booting Install XP.
Kemudian jika muncul jendela permintaan jawab dengan YES atau kalau ada Press Any Key To Continue, tekan sembarang tombol. Begitu sampai dengan selesai.
Selamat Mencoba .....
tips N triks
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